Pirate fun for all the family. Satisfaction guaranteed. Stick that on your poster.
Twas a gatherin’ of pirates, unlike any seen afore. A wholesome court of brethren, that left me warmed to me core. A chance to put faces, to folks I long knew,& finally share a hug, with members of me crew. Let no other event, claim to be best, ‘less it actually be, the next SOTFest🍻
Cap’n “Scruffy” Beardstroker
It's the only place I can find bigger fans of Sea of Thieves than me.
Captain Logun
It was a life changing event for me, literally. Seeing those faces behind the gamer tags for the first time after 4 years was quite an emotional experience. I got to hang out irl with my crew, and many of my friends for the first time. We made memories that will last forever🖤🏴☠️